A Visual Journey Into BigStuf Camps

Every year at BigStuf, thousands of campers from across the nation gather to strengthen bonds with their small groups, enjoy fun-filled days at the beach, and, most importantly, deepen their relationship with God. With five days packed with activities, breaking away from the everyday routine to spend time at the beach has never been more rewarding. Wondering what a few days at the beach with BigStuf entails? Here’s a visual journey through some of the highlights.

Day 1: The Journey Begins

The Road to PCB

8:00 AM: The journey begins with excitement as buses head to Panama City Beach. This ride is the first chapter where campers start bonding and setting their intentions for the week. While some groups have a shorter ride than others, one thing is for sure: the fun starts on the bus!

Students load busses and get on the road towards BigStuf

First Session

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM: After a day of travel, the first session ignites with engaging worship, followed by a relevant message. Expect a mix of games and surprises to keep the excitement going!

After a long day on the bus, campers are eager to see what BigStuf is all about in Session #1.

Day 2: Sunrise to Sunset

Dawn Reflections

7:00 AM - 7:45 AM: For those who rise early, the quietest hours on the beach leave unforgettable memories, offering a peaceful start to the day.

Before the day gets started and things get going, a select few will make it down to the beach for quiet time.

Diving Deeper

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: In the Big Room, a speaker connects deeply with the camp’s energy, addressing the real-life challenges students face and encouraging them to delve deeper into their faith journey during the week.

Content from messages is designed to resonate with the unique stages of life of middle and high school students.

Time to hit the beach

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM: There's no better headliner of BigStuf than the beach itself. Students enjoy their first day at BigStuf hopping in the ocean and making memories with their friends.

Green flag on the beach means all systems go. Let's make some waves!

Day 3: Community and Celebration

The Most Important Meal of the Day

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Students fuel up for the day over breakfast. For some students, this is the perfect time to break off with their small group leader to talk more in depth about something that resonated with them in the session.

Students gather to get fueled up and ready for the day ahead

Volleyball by the Beach

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Throughout the week at camp, a volleyball tournament unfolds in the background. Students from various groups compete enthusiastically to determine which team will emerge victorious.

A volleyball tournament spreads across two days of free time to determine who the true winner is.

Day 4: Deep Dives and Devotions

Morning Reflections

10:45 AM - 12:00 PM: Post-morning session, small groups delve into discussions about the message and its personal applications.

Small groups are some of the most intentional time that campers have at camp.

Final Session

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM: Students leave nothing behind for the last session of camp. The message ties in together what students have been learning all week. The final evening extends into a prolonged worship in response to all that God has done throughout the week.

Students and leaders gather for late night worship

Themed Party at Late Night

9:00 PM - 11:00 PM

As evening falls, a themed party livens up the camp. Students dance, mingle with peers from other churches, and create unforgettable moments.

One big themed late night party? Count us in.

Day 5: Farewells and Forward Thoughts

Parting Meal

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Students and leaders share one last meal together before beginning the journey home.

Homeward Bound

10:00 AM onwards: The buses are packed, but so are the memories. As campers head back, our hope is that the relationships they've built at camp and the depth that they've added to their faith continues to deepen.

At BigStuf, students and leaders depart feeling revitalized in their faith and equipped for everyday life. Ideal for youth groups and other gatherings seeking a Christian summer camp, BigStuf promises a transformative experience. For details on our summer camps, visit our SMMR page.

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