Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?

What are the payment deadlines?


$499 - September 17, 2024 - October 20, 2024

$509 - October 21, 2024 - February 3, 2025

$519 - February 4, 2025 and after

*pricing is per student/leader

Initial Deposit amount of $80 per registered spot must be received within 15 days of registration in order to confirm spots. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable to final balance.

If initial deposit is not received by this date, the spots will be dropped from your selected camp.

April 4, 2025: Final Cancellation Deadline. All spots cancelled after this date must STILL be paid for in full.

May 15, 2025: Final Balance Due. All spots must be paid for by this date.

If balance is not paid in full by the deadline, a late penalty of 5% of the remaining balance will be added.

Payments may be paid by credit card or check. If payment by credit card, a fee of 3% will be assessed and added to the transaction. Checks may be made out and sent to:

BigStuf Camps

12150 Morris Rd #2

Alpharetta, GA 30005

Get in touch with the BigStuf leader relations team for more help.

Our team is here to simplify every step of the process for you, ensuring that you can focus on leading effectively or fully enjoying camp alongside your students.
