Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help?

Make a Payment

All payments made by a check must be mailed to: ....

All payments made by a check must be mailed to:

Deposits may be paid by credit card or check. All final payments must be paid by check to:
BigStuf Camps 12150 Morris Rd #2, Alpharetta, GA 30005

*Deposits can be made by credit card with no added fee.

*Balances paid by credit card payments are accepted with a fee of 3.0%. We suggest balances be paid by check to avoid fees.

*For Summer Camp: If you are a parent/guardian of a student, please send all payments directly to your church/group, and not to BigStuf.

Get in touch with the BigStuf leader relations team for more help.

Our team is here to simplify every step of the process for you, ensuring that you can focus on leading effectively or fully enjoying camp alongside your students.
